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Still Wakes The Deep A Dive Into Disappointment

Still Wakes the Deep: A Dive into Disappointment

Still Wakes the Deep Review

Still Wakes the Deep holds promise as a North Sea horror experience, but ultimately falls short in delivering true scares. Developer The Chinese Room, known for its previous work on Dear Esther, attempts to conjure an eerie atmosphere underwater, but it seems that even the depths of the ocean cannot hide the game's lack of genuine terror.

A Glimmer of Horror Potential

The game's early moments hint at its potential. The underwater setting, with its murky depths and unsettling sounds, creates a palpable sense of isolation and dread. However, as the story progresses, the horror elements become increasingly diluted. Jump scares are predictable and easily telegraphed, while the narrative struggles to maintain a cohesive thread of suspense.

Linearity Constrains the Experience

One of Still Wakes the Deep's most glaring flaws lies in its strict linearity. The game rigidly confines players to a predetermined path, leaving no room for exploration or player choice. This lack of freedom significantly hampers the sense of immersion and undermines any potential for genuine horror.


While Still Wakes the Deep attempts to delve into the depths of fear, it ultimately fails to deliver a truly terrifying experience. Its predictable scares, uninspired narrative, and restrictive gameplay mechanics leave a lasting impression of disappointment. If you're seeking a spine-tingling horror adventure, you'd be better served looking elsewhere.
